Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh what a week.

From Mylle's frist week and kids sell
It has been quite a week. It is hard to believe that Mylee is one week old today. The whole house has gone threw quite some changes. There are new mountains of laundry that have not been done, bathrooms to clean and floors to do, but mom has been busy with the newest addition to the Moffat family.
From Mylle's frist week and kids sell
Mylee has learned to sleep threw a lot. This is her sleeping for the first time in her crib.
From Mylle's frist week and kids sell
Most in the house feel something like this. I think mom feels like she has been hit my a semi truck. We have learned that with 4 older siblings there is no need for a baby monitor.
From Mylle's frist week and kids sell
Mylee getting her first bath. Most anything that is done with Mylee draws a crowd from her older brothers and sister.


Laura and crew said...

She looks so big already! How'd that happen??

Melissa said...

She started out big. She already has a double chin.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray