Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mylee Jean Moffat

From life and mylee
Mylee Jean Moffat Born: May 27th 2010 Time: 6:37 pm Weight and length: 8 lbs 15.1 oz 20.5 inches Life has been exciting as we adjust to having such a wonderful little baby in our home again. We are all learning how to run on Mylee time. Sometimes she is predictable and other times less than 30 minutes after you put her down she is crying for you again. She loves to nurse and I am sure is going to give all babies a run for their money in the size department. We are all happy with having another red head in our home. We hope she gets the sweet side of a red head as her older brother already has the spicy side. We have figured out that in our home you don't need a baby monitor with 4 older siblings. They here her make a peep and they are all at her side. They even come in from play to check in on her. She is going to be a very spoiled and loved baby.

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Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray