Our little cuddle bug. As she has a lot of gas she loves to sleep on her belly during nap time.
Wow it is hard to believe how fast 3 weeks have gone. In the last 3 weeks. We have added not just one but 2 new family members. The kids had their last days of school. Baseball season ended. We had our first Hail storm in our new house and much more.
As for our new family members. I think Goldie is doing great. She loves sleeping in bed with Miles. She has escaped a few times but has not made it to far. Her new favorite food is hot dogs and carrots a summer time staple in our house.

Mylee is also doing great. She is growing like a weed and I do believe that she gets more kisses in a day than anyone I know. She can be kissed on the head more than 100 times in a hour if I would let the kids kiss her that much. Her poor head has had Cheetos', chocolate, ketchup and more on it from the kisser.

A few things Mylee about Mylee
She has grown 1.5 inches and has gained almost a pound in the last 15 days. She is now 9 lbs 7.8 oz and is 22 inches long. She is no longer in newborn diapers.

Yes Mylee has even found her thumb. I am proud to say she is not a thumb sucker. But it was so cute and brought tears to my eyes when I heard the sucking sound and looked down and saw her thumb in her mouth. She spend 2 times a day were she is awake for about 90 minutes at a time. She also loves to make little "O's" with her mouth. We call it her pooping face.
I will have to try to catch it with the camera sometime.
We can say that Mylee has followed in the path of her big brothers and sister as she to is the Queen of Puke. We have nicked named her Queen P as she is a power pooper. Many times I hear her pooping before she wakes me up, She is a puker, and she of course is our princess. So she is a Queen P in our house. We love her. So if we have to have a little puke here and there it is OK with us. All I need to do is find some more receiving blankets as we go threw a few a day with her.
1 comment:
I think the Relay for Life sounds like a great tradition...and I can't believe how big Queen P is getting! I see a lot of Marcus in her...what do you guys think?
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