It is sad to say that summer is coming to a end. I can hardly believe that next week the kids will be back in school. The evenings are cooler and the sun sets before the kids go to sleep. Here are a few things that took place in in our house

Mason, Madison and Marcus played their last soccer game. They all did great. Marcus and Madison really wear the stars of their teams

Madison, Marcus and Mason had fun rolling backwards down the hill why we watched Miles at football camp. Yes that is right I have a kid old enough to play tackle football.

I think some of the parents there had more fun laughing at how silly my kids were than at watching football camp.

Who is this one. I can not tell. Is that bad

Miles playing skins. He did not know what to think about being skins. But he loved the camp

Mylee is growing like a weed. She is now in 3-6 months clothing. Her smile brightens even the darkest nights. She is truly a blessing sent from above.

She loves her exerciser that mom got at a garage sell. I can not believe how much she changes every day. I am not sure who the kids will miss most on the first day of school. Mom or baby sister. I vote for Mylee. Miles has really taken a loving to her. It is nice to see his tender side.

When you have lots of kids you do things a little differently. This is us getting ready to pack the back packs with the school supplies for the new school year.

A great Sunday afternoon activity

We had a wonderful BBQ with some of our friends to say good-bye to summer hello to fall.
They have been great to us.

Some of our kids were being stinkers so this is how Berry took care of it. Sometimes I think husbands are the next kids.

Aubrey loving Mylee.
All in all the last few weeks have been packed with activities and getting ready for the new school year.
1 comment:
It is so hard to say good bye to summer when we live in Wyoming. It looks like everyone is enjoying the their last few days of freedom. Mylee is so cute with her smile.
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