Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Swimming Lessons take 2

This would be round 2 of swimming lessons in our family. Madison and Mason are still in level one and Marcus is level 2 and Miles is level 3. They were all super excited to start again. With any luck Mason and Marcus might advance up. I am not so sure Madison is ready for level 2. We will have to see. I like their teachers this time. I think that they are doing a little more and the kids love it. We are hoping with any luck to be able to do swimming lessons until the end of April. By them hopefully the kids will be great swimmers and ready for a summer at the Lake and fun at the parks.
Miles oh so thrilled about mom taking his picture.

1 comment:

Grandma Hungerford said...

way to go, I remember all of those days when you learned to swim Melissa. Keep it up and and have lot's of fun learning.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray