Saturday, August 1, 2009

Moffat paint crew '09

It has only taken me a year to finish painting the shed. I painted the side by the fence, but at that time was not able to finish the rest. So today I decided to finish it before we sell the trailer. So with the help of the 3 youngest, I was off to paint.
Madison loved trying to paint like mommy. I showed them how too, but I am not sure they did it like I showed them.
With only 2 brushes for the kids, Marcus help coach Mason on his painting until it was his turn.
All in all it took about 2 hours to paint the shed and clean up. Miles helped mom finish the front.
When mom was spraying off the water, the kids wanted to be sprayed off too. So why not, they needed cleaned off too. Plus the grass was in need of water so I told them to stay on the grass and we all had a blast. The shed is 90% painted and the grass is watered and the kids had fun. A job well done. I think I will wait to paint the trim when they are not around, I am not sure I could use their help on it.

1 comment:

Mrs. Dexter said...

Cute pictures! :) Looks like you had fun.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray