Friday, December 19, 2008

A few presents now can't hurt????

Tis the season for Red neck Choir Programs and school Christmas Parties
Since school has started, every Tuesday and Thursday Miles has been going to school 35 minutes early to go to sing in the Breakfast Choir Club. On Thursday, December 18th the choir Preformed for the school. Miles in in the far back to the right. You just have to remember that we are now in a small town, and the the school is a little more outback than the Texas Schools we were in. But I can say that I think it is good for him to learn to go to school early. Kinda like getting him ready for early morning seminary. The wonderful music teacher even scheduled the choir to sing durning the classroom Christmas Parties on Friday. Making any kid who did not want to miss the party feel guilty for not going. But hey, he is trying (I think).
On Friday was Miles and Marcus' Christmas Parties. After hearing about the Halloween party. Mom (that would be me/Melissa) offered to Host the party for Miles' class. They exchanged gently used chapter books, filled stockings, played a few games, did a picture craft and of course ate lots of sugar mixed with a little fruit and veggies. It was a fun party. They all had a blast. The only thing missing was the parents. It is hard to believe that parents here do not want and make every attempt to come to their kids class parties and programs. In Texas we would have at least 10 or more parents at every party. The more the Merrier. I wonder how we can get more parents involved?
Before Miles' class party I was able to go and watch part of Marcus party. At least a few parents did show up to watch. The Teacher did this one. The parties over lapped so I was unable to Host Marcus' party. I am hoping to help out with the Valentine Party.
After school was out we were able to do some more fun Christmas fun. We had lots of fun driving the town and look at the wonderful Christmas Lights. We have found 4 great houses. We plan on going back tomorrow night and take some pictures. After warming up with some Hot Cocoa we opened some of our wonderful presents from the Hungerford side of the family. We figures since we were going to Jim's mom's house this year that we would open some of the family gifts early and enjoy them now, as it is hard to bring them all with us. The kids had a great night playing with their new toys. We had a hard time getting Madison out of her Tutu. They all had fun playing darts and running the remote control car around. We even danced to Mason playing the guitar. What a fun night.

1 comment:

Laura and crew said...

Our Christmas parties were canceled due to snow, but yours look like lots of do the presents! Merry Christmas!

Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray