Mrery Chirtsams
About our Kids
- Melissa
- Green River, Wyoming, United States
- Welcome, Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a stay on the run mom to 5 wonderful unique kids. I have 3 boys, Miles 11, Marcus 8, Mason 7 and then 2 wonderful girls Madison 5 and Mylee 1. I love to do crafts, cook and spend time with my family.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas letter
Many of you by now have probably received your Christmas letter from our family. So I have to tell you, in the little time that we have, Yes I can spell and speek English. I am sorry to say that spelling and typing at the same time are not my best quality. As you can tell from previous post. I will be the first to omit that Miles can spell many words that I can not. But some of the spelling errors in the Christmas letter where from auto correct and then after reading the letter over and over again you know what it says so you don't see the spelling the same. A couple of weeks ago I received an email that had a part that you read that had many words spelled wrong but you knew what it said. That is the same with me. So I am sorry for the errors, especially the spelling of Jim's Dads name. It is spelled Ralph not Raph. So all of you pointing fingers and asking if I can spell I can most of the time. So get a chuckle and enjoy it. Here is the edited one. So for this post and past and future ones I am sorry.
Moffat Family Times
Edition 10
“At this time of Christmas, this season when gifts are given, let us not forget that God gave His Son, and His Son gave His life, that each of us might have the gift of eternal life" (Gordon B. Hinckley, "The Son of God," Ensign, Dec 1992, 2).
Top Ten things that have changed/happened in the Moffat House and around the world.
10. The kids are all a year older
9. We are all paying closer attention to CNBC/the stock market
8. We have elected the first African-American president
7. Gas prices reach all time recorded high, and then plunged to rather stunning lows.
6. Miles has joined an elite club, he now has glasses. So Handsome
5. We have had numerous broken bones and stitches now that the kids are more active.
4. We have a family blog that is up and going. Were all can see our family grow.
3. Jim has a New Job for the first time since he was a teenager
2. We said good by to a father and Grandfather as Jims Dad passed away. And Melissa’s Grandpa Cox passed on to.
1. We no longer live in Texas We moved back to Wyoming.
The Whole Family
When 2008 started, we figured that this year would be fun, but with no babies coming or life changing events on the calendar we figured that this would be a year with out to much to talk about. I guess we were wrong. On Conference Sunday, April 6th 2008 we received a phone call that you never want to be on the receiving end of. Jim’s Dad had passed away. After spending weeks and weeks in the hospital. His dad came home and passed away peacefully 9 days latter in his recliner were he wanted to be. After the passing of Jim’s father, we came to realize how important family really is. We asked our selves what was really important. We decided that the one of the thing you can not buy is “LOVE”. We started to think back to our childhood memories and big events in our lives. What we found is that to have Grandma Moffat, and Nana and Papa Hungerford there is what we wanted for our kids. So we prayed and Jim applied for a couple of jobs in Wyoming closer to our families. Were our kids could build those priceless memories with their Grandma and Nana and Papa. We were surprised how fast everything feel into place. We finalized the job and put the house up for sale the last week in May and it was sold and we were packed up and moved by the middle of June. We feel blessed to be able to live close to our family and to some of the church history. We are sad to report that with the cost of houses in Wyoming. Three times higher than Texas. We are no longer home owners. We are for now living in a mobile home. It has taken some getting used to. We feel though that we are deeply blessed, with all that is going on in the world, with a good paying job, roof over our heads and food to eat. We now enjoy seeing Nana and Papa Hungerford almost weekly along with seeing Grandma Moffat every 4 to 6 weeks. We are looking forward to an Old Fashion Christmas with snow on the ground, Christmas carols playing and the smell of Cider. With living so close to both of our families we get to spend the holidays with them. We look forward to spending Christmas with Grandma Moffat this year. May you and yours be so blessed in this coming year. We love you all and wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR. May the true reason for the season live all year long in your hearts and homes.
Miles, Marcus, Mason, Madison
Jim, and Melissa Moffat

The Moffat Zoo Crew!
Staring Miles as the snake- Miles was the first one of our kids to be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Miles was baptized on his 8th birthday which was also Easter Sunday. Miles completed 2nd grade on the A Honor roll. Miles enjoyed playing catchers for the Defenders. He just completed a successful basketball season. He has just started wear glasses like a lot of his Grandparents and aunts and uncles. Miles enjoys trying to do different “hair raising stunts on his new stunt bike. He has promised his parents that when he becomes a famous builder he is going to build us our dream house. We will have to see about that. We are very grateful for all that Miles does for our family. He is a true blessing in our lives. He is a kind hearted you man.
Staring Marcus as the Rino- Marcus is still living up to his flaming red hair. He is still a very active little boy. Marcus is the first in our family to break a bone and get stitches in less than 3 months. In February, the beginning of basketball season, Mason jumped of the bunk beds and landed on Marcus to break his left wrist. Then 3 months latter when we were getting ready to move Miles accidentally hit him with a “Driver” (golf club) he had to have his chin stitched up. We are hoping that he remains accident free for the rest of 08 and 09. Marcus enjoyed playing short stop for the Raptors in the spring and is now trying out wrestling this fall and loving it. He has also decided that another year of Kindergarten could only make him smarter and give him an advantage in High School Sports down the road. So we are loving the Kindergarten experience again. Marcus keeps us on our toes and has taught us patience and love. What a blessing his sweet spirit has brought our family.
Staring Mason as the Polar Bear- Mason is with out fail a partner in crime with younger sister Madison. If they are ever left to them self you are sure to find doing some sort of mischievous thing. Mason made the T-ball deadline by 3 days and was the youngest player on his team. He played catcher and loved every minute of it. Did I mention how cute he looked. Mason loves to ride his bike, color and learn something new every day. We are so blessed to have him in our family. Mason is attending school at the Child Development Center. He can not wait until he get to go to the same school as his big brothers. Mason has one of the biggest hearts, if someone is hurt he is trying to help.
Staring Madison as the Monkey- With Madison turning 3 this year we no longer have a baby in our home. Madison is a thriving very active 3 year old. With every day she has grown, we have loved seeing how she is turning into a spitting image of her mom. Madison loves to play rough with her brothers, but when they are at school and she is just with mom she loves to play with her babies and do dress up. She is almost as big as Mason. Madison and Mason are like two peas in a pod, they love to play hard and fight even harder. We feel that all though Madison was a surprise in our life she has blessed our life in more ways than she will ever know. She is the daughter that we always prayed for. Melissa has enjoyed having a girl that she can do many different hair styles and dress up in cute dresses. What a sweet spirit she has added to our home.
Staring Dad/Jim as the Assistant Zoo Keeper - As Jim has had some of the biggest changes this year between the saddening death of his father and changing jobs for the fist time. Jim is still the same dad who loves to watch the Dallas Cowboys, and play with the kids. He enjoys watching the kids grow each and every day. He does not miss being gone like he was before. He is enjoying his new job, but we will have to see if it last with the winter snows still to come. He is the glue that holds our family.
Staring Mom/Melissa Zoo Keeper- With the move, Melissa has had to adjust to a smaller house.
She still loves to do crafts with the kids. Melissa has even found the time to get our family blog up and going.
If you would like you can check it out at She has been called to be over Enrichment for our ward. She loves her calling. It is a calling she has enjoyed doing. It keeps her busy. I am grateful for a the opportunity to stand by her side in raising our family. We feel blessed that she can stay home with our kids and help teach them and guide them in to wonderful young adults.
Moffat Family Contact Info:
address: ask us

We would like to dedicated this letter to all the loving memories of a great father and grandfather
Ralph DeWayne Moffat
1938 -2008
May you all have a very
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Moffat Crew
Monkey Business

We always say it is a zoo around her.
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