The kids have had fun getting ready for Mylee. But Madison seems to be the one who really loves getting all the baby stuff out.

With so little time from move to baby. We were unable to paint her room. But we have managed to get her room set up and all ready for her birth this coming week.

We have kept her nursery simple with a little bit of pink here and there. All in all you might find Madison playing in her room and any give hour of the day.

Or even find mom rocking in the rocker, dreaming of the day Mylee will be in her arms. It seems as if it has been along time since we found out another baby was blessing our house. So as of Thursday Mylee's room is done, car seat in the car and Hospital bag packed. I think we are as ready as we can be to welcome her into our family. Now we just have to get the house ready to welcome her. Mom is busy cleaning and preparing freezer meals getting the kids packed and ready for the week ahead. They have fun days at school planned and will have fun with Nana and grandma Moffat.
It is hard to believe that another school year is almost over. Which means it is also baby time. Yeah that is right. I found out shortly after the kids went to school in 2009, that I was pregnant. The bad part was I was going to be pregnant threw the whole school year. I don't know how it worked out that way, but it did. Which means that Dad(Jim) has had the chance to step in a few times on end of the school year field trips and activities. I feel some what like I am missing out but I do understand and see the joy Jim gets from going to school with the kids. As I look forward to the next week, I am a little scared of the labor. It has been over 4 years since I have been in the hospital and been in labor. I look forward to seeing Mylee and all the traits she will have. I look forward to seeing how the kids react to their new sister. I also look forward to the kids ending another school year, as they only have 9 more days of school left. The kids can not wait to meet their new sister and see what parts of the baby pool they won. They were able this week to guess Mylee's weight, height, hair color, time of day she is born, and how big her feet are going to be. Plus how long mom is going to be in labor. They get a candy bar or soda for each one they win. It was fun watching them guess. Most of them guessed the same hair color they had. Marcus was really persistent at wanting and feeling like it is time we have another red head. This week will bring a life changing gift. We can hardly wait for Mylee Jean Moffat to join our family. So stay tuned to see what Mylee looks like and get all the info.
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