Marcus is built to wrestle. He loves everything about it. He still has never been pinned

This was Mason's first year wrestling. I am not so sure it is his thing. But he sure was cute to watch. He did not even care that he was pinned over and over again. This was on our crazy Wendnesday 11. 2 kids wrestling and Miles last Basketball Game. All on the same night at the same time.

It is so hard to get great pictures of Basketball. Miles has really come far this year in Basketball. Scoring as much as 12 points in a game. I think we found his fave.

Saturday Night we celebrated Madison's 4th birthday. She wanted a princess cake. This was the best mom could do with all that was going on Saturday.

Ready for the primary program.

All dressed in white ready to go and preform at the primary program. They all did great. Mason even gave a little side show. I always love watching my kids on stage.

On Tuesday I had another doctor's appointment to check on the baby. Looks like all is fine with our little bouncing M&M. S/he stretches and rolls. It is always nice to see your baby. I think I could watch the DVD over and over again. Very reassuring that the baby is healthy and doing good.
Marcus wrestling a kid who was a great match for him. This kid wrestles on the traveling team. We don't have the time or money for that team.
Mason trying his best. He was wrestling kids weighing up to 20 pounds more than him. They had mistakenly put him in the wrong weight group. The kids could carry him on their backs. He was a good sport. I don't think he really understands the whole concept of it.
This is a quick clip of our little bouncing M&M
Sounds like things are super busy at your house! I bet you'll enjoy Thanksgiving break.
I love the cake sorry we missed the party. Marcus looks so much like the pro wrestler. I loved getting to watch Miles play. You have been very busy.
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