What a fun and wonderful week our family had all things considered.
This is a picture of Madison Teaching Primary to her stuffed animals.
Miles had his first basketball game. He did great. I took some pictures but they were all blury. He did great. He scored 4 of the 7 points for his team. Yes they won 7 to 4. It was great. he is really getting a hang of the game.
This is Madison all dressed up in her cute attire. She loves going to grandma's house.
The kids had fun playing with their 2nd cousins and going "hunting" with daddy. Plus it was fun to get to ride in daddy's new truck.
We may not have seen any Elk on our trip but we were able to see the latest in babies that will call me Great Aunt. Yes that is right to all who did not know, I am a great Aunt. This is Graycee Rose. She is so adorable. She can make anyone baby hungry. Congrats Clinit and Chelsie.
All in all it was a great week to be in our family. My mom had sugary and is doing as good as can be expected. We went on a small trip to grandmas and all are still well and breathing. Can't wait to see what next week brings :) only time will tell.
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