It is hard to think that school, has been in for a week already. Here are some of the highlight of the first week or so of school.
Marcus with his teacher Mrs. Shears. He is likes her already.

Second day of school. Marcus and Mason both have the same shirt I got them for a steal.

Marcus and Miles walking to the bus stop. They were so excited about getting to ride the bus. I was planning on driving them for one more day but they begged to get to ride the bus.
Call me over proctive, that is what Jim call's me all the time. I let them walk to the bus stop but I met them their.

Miles a little embarrassed that mom is taking a picture out of the window of the car.
I parked up the road from the bus stop, just as I looked in my mirror I saw them crossing the street.

They did not want a picture of them getting on the bus, that is why it is not that good. Because I was holding the camera at my side and clicking it.

I must be getting old with 3 in elementary school. They did wave at mom from the back seat.

On Friday, the first week of school, Mason met his official teacher for the first time. He is on the phone with his dad, telling him who was his teacher. He looks so grown up.

Mason in his class room. He is so excited to be in school. He sits right next to the table.

Mason and Miss Lefferdink. Look how tall she is. At least Mason is used to looking up to tall people.

To celebrate Wyoming's win on Saturday, the boys were wearing their new Wyoming Cowboys T-shirts. Go Cowboys.

Sweet Madison on her first day of preschool. She has had her "Hanna Montana" dress laid out for the last week waiting for turn to go to school.

Madison was so excited about going to school.

Walking to school like a big girl. Such excitement.

Look at her shadow. Following her.

Standing in the door of "Young Minds Preschool"

Madison and Mrs. Kari. She loves her teacher.

Today was Mason's first day riding the bus. After a couple melt downs this morning, and telling me he was not going to ride the bus to school. As soon as he saw it, he was ready to go. He sat in the front seat. Looking so big and cute. I pray he has a great school year and makes many friends.

There goes my baby boy. Won't ever be sending any more boys on the bus for the first time.
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