Our family Moto is "Welcome to the Moffat Zoo, were the kids run wild" We would like to think that we are a fun loving family that has had its share of life experiences. We are a typical family with 5 kids ages 22 months, 6 years, 7, years, 9 years and 12 years old plus one on the way.
Welcome, Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a stay on the run mom to 5 wonderful unique kids. I have 3 boys, Miles 11, Marcus 8, Mason 7 and then 2 wonderful girls Madison 5 and Mylee 1. I love to do crafts, cook and spend time with my family.
With the New Year Comes, a time change at church and new Classes. As we all can say and I am sure many in the Green River 7th ward would say. Madison Moffat does not like 1 o'clock church. After a mini melt or should we say preview of what was to come, during sacrament meeting we went on as cheerful and Happy as we can to Primary. Madison turned 3 in November so she is now officially a Sunbeam. Between the time change (we are now going to church threw nap time) and the fact that she was a sunbeam and not in nursery any more Madison was more than a little up set. Now last night, in preparation for the kids new classes, we talked about the changes coming at church. I explained that Miles was going to be in a new class and that Mason was moving from Sunbeams to CTR 5 which means. We sang the song Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam and tried our best to make is sound fun. I thought that she was on board for this. Boy was I wrong. In sacrament meeting she was sitting on my lap and I whispered to her that she was going to be a sunbeam just like Jesus wanted. She proceeded to squeezed my cheeks and say NO he wants me for a Nursery. I then tried to bribe her with chocolate if she would try sunbeams like a big girl. One step into the primary and she was off running. She made it out the building doors. After I caught her I tried to explain to my extremely tired 3 year old that she needs to go to Sunbeams/Primary because that is what mommy, daddy and Jesus want here to do. I walked her back to Primary were my wonderful 4 year old was in the process of trying to explain to the Primary President that he did not need to change sets. Jesus still wanted him for a Sunbeam and not a "Char 5". So I gave him a hug and put him in his new seat as I still had Madison clinging to me as if I was handing her over to the Mafia. Her teacher (being an experienced mom and grandma) told me to hand her to her and run. As I attempted to hand my now screaming 3 year old daughter to her teacher and keep my clothes in the right spots (Madison still had a death grip on my shirt(which is kinda stretchy)) Mason ran up to me and grabbed my shirt and told every one that was a SUNBEAM not a "Char 5' Now he is stripping my skirt off of me as Madison is trying to keep my shirt with her. Thank goodness all of the younger primary is women because I was trying to straiten my clothing and dash at the same time when I left. Mason calmed down pretty fast when they explained that Jesus still wants him to act like a Sunbeam but he needs him to also be a CTR 5 now that he is getting older. He decided to lay down by his chair and fall asleep. Madison on the other had thought that all in our small town needed to hear her scream at the top of her lungs for the next 45 minutes, in protest of being a Sunbeam. Many times they came to me standing in the hall, were I waiting for them to throw their arms up and say "come sit with her", but they would say it is OK with us as long as it is OK with you that she is screaming. Trying to be the brave mom I would smile and say she has to learn sometime. As I then turn to my girl friend (whose son is crying in Nursery) with tears in our eyes we both say it is the best. We both new that we had to cut our strings this week. I just had no idea how hard it was going to be on her. Madison did stop crying, because she cried her self to sleep. She never saw the joy of being a Sunbeam. So now I am preparing my self for round 2 next Sunday. When I pick her up after class, she was still sleeping as she woke she looked at me and firmly stated "I am not a Sunbeam I am a Nursery." I again tried to explain that she will like being a Sunbeam if she just gives it a try. We will have to see what happens next Sunday. Both Mason and Madison sleep threw their classes so they have yet to experience the new year fun. I am counting down the Sundays to the next time change. Anytime is better than One. I can say that she has had the worst reaction to class change out of all of my kids. I have never seen a kid scream so hard in Sunbeams. In Nursery it is one thing but sunbeams is another. I guess I will be spending a lot of time on my knees this week trying to figure out how to help her. Any Ideas. PS I think that I owe the teacher and the presidency in primary a King size candy Bar.
1 pm is a tough time slot for kids...we switched from 10am to 9am and it seems to be a bit smoother. Good luck with the adjustment. I have no suggestions other than hang in there.
1 comment:
1 pm is a tough time slot for kids...we switched from 10am to 9am and it seems to be a bit smoother. Good luck with the adjustment. I have no suggestions other than hang in there.
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