Yesterday Mylee had her first and hopefully her last sugary of her life.
She had tubes put in both ears in hopes that it will help her hearing. She also had her skin tag partially removed. If you look closely you can see 2 hospital bands. Due to complications and tons of bleeding 5 hours post op we had to take Mylee to the ER to have her ear looked at.
After many more bleeding problems last night I am happy to say that she is full of smiles and seems to be doing great today considering all that she has been threw.

After having blood all over her clothes and blankets Mylee came home from the ER in the hospital warming blanket. She was exhausted from the blood loss and all the screaming. She spent most off Yesterday as a diaper baby.
Yes before you as we do have 4 other kids and I look forward to blogging about them just Mylee has had a lot of big things going on lately. Big brothers and big sister are doing great. Had great grades and are loving winter but are really ready for spring.
I'm glad Mylee's doing better. Hopefully you'll have a quiet weekend.
Mylee looks so comfy in daddy's lap. It was a crazy week for all of you.
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