After a long weekend with friends and family. Many people in our house are super tired. Madison today for the first out of all of our kids. Feel asleep in the bath tub after swimming in the pool today. After 45 minutes of swimming she was in tears to come in so I put her in the tub and this is how I found her. She is now sleeping on my chair.
She is one tired girl
On top of all being tired. Mylee had her first round of shots. We opted to do them in 2 visits instead of one as I could not bear to have my baby get 4 shots today plus a oral one. So she had 2 and the oral one. After a rough morning and some more Tylenol she feel asleep in her swig why the kids played. I always hate these days but I know they are for the best. I just hope she sleeps tonight
Here is one of her band-aids.
May we all go to bed early and get a lot of sleep, as we are still catching up
About our Kids
- Melissa
- Green River, Wyoming, United States
- Welcome, Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a stay on the run mom to 5 wonderful unique kids. I have 3 boys, Miles 11, Marcus 8, Mason 7 and then 2 wonderful girls Madison 5 and Mylee 1. I love to do crafts, cook and spend time with my family.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Blessed weekend
This week we were able to take the time to count our blessings. We feel so blessed to be in a home that we can share with our friends and family. This weekend was one of the busiest/craziest weekends so far. We felt blessed and are proud that Marcus was excited and choose to be baptized on July 24, 2010 a day he will never forget. Then today we were able to start Mylee's journey in the church with her blessing.
Our crazy weekend started Wednesday night with my good friend/adopted sister Katie and her kids showed up. We were able to play hard for the next few days. Taking a total of 8 kids and a baby to the movies, splash park and Artic Circle. The kids all played hard and slept as little as they could. They did not want to miss a minute with their good friends. We feel so lucky to have had them come up as my siblings and Jim's did not come. Chris her husband joined us Thursday night.
The weekend was topped off with the arrival of Grandma Moffat (Jim's mom) and Kiley my nieces daughter.
Chris with Mylee. I think he needs another baby.
The younger kids watching a movie why the adults played 'idiot' and the older kids played their games.
Mylee waving hi as she wants her turn to play too.
Marcus' big moment
The family
Mylee was not too happy. I don't think she understood just yet how much this day meant to her big brother.
All dressed in white, ready to be baptized by his hero, his dad.
Mylee's turn
Family means so much
What a wonderful day. Mylee was blessing was great, I could feel the spirit so much. I feel so lucky to have a husband who is worthy to bless and baptize our kids.
We were sad to see our family leave this afternoon but look forward to seeing them all again soon.
The shoes all were blessed in. I wonder just how many babies have worn these shoes. More than 20. Just to think it all started with Jim's dad.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
4th of July Week in review.
I must say. I would love to blog more, time is just not on my side. So I must throw all the fun in to one post. We had a wonderful past 10 days or so. The kids have been enjoying summer and all the fun activities that go along with summer.
Mylee loves to do tummy time but she tends to puke a bunch so for part of tummy time we put her over the boppy. So Now she does this.
She has managed to push her self over the top of the boppy. She has really strong legs. We have fingered this out in the last week.
We spent the evening of the 3rd of July at my parents house to celebrate the 4th. Because the 4th was on a Sunday we thought it was better to do our little family party on Saturday. Jim and the kids had fun playing ball and
Jumping on the Tramp.
Of course we made hand churned ice cream. I think this year Madison was the only kid who churned. The others were to busy playing ball and such.
The boys were so excited to do fireworks they worked as a team to put the stand out on the grass. Poor Marcus knows all to well how hard that stand is. Latter on in the night
When we was doing sparklers he ran right into it. And one week latter he still has quite a bump on his upper thigh.
They all seemed to have a fun time. Mom even made them a fun treat to go with their homemade ice cream
A true flag cake. they thought it was great. each slice was it's own flag.
After the fun 4th of July party we learned how sentive Mylee's skin really is. We are now double rinsing all the wash. After she broke out in a fun itchy rash all over her face. I can say it is doing better.
This is one of my favorite faces Mylee makes. Second to her smiling. She is concentrating very hard on something. Most of the time when she makes this face you better watch out as she is leaving you a present in her pants. And she does not always stay in the lines.
Yes it is true. Sweet Mylee is smiling. We love to see her smile. She is even making a few sounds. She is turning into the fun stage of infantcy. When they laugh and smile. I love it. She melts my heart daily.
Madison learned a hard lesson on Sunday. She really wanted to have a play date, but we don't do play dates on Sunday's. It is part of how we try to keep the sabbath day holy. She cried and cried for over a hour demanding to have her friend come over and play. When she stopped crying I found her on my chair asleep. I think part of why she cried so long is because she was so very tired.
We have a weekly schedule that we try to keep. With a fun thing going on almost every day. On Monday's we take a picnic lunch to a different park every week. This week we went to Edgewater the kids had a blast throwing rocks in the Green River.
All in all we had a wonderful week, with ups and downs. I keep trying to tell my self how wonderful life truly is. Some days are easier than others with 5 very active and different kids.
Friday, July 2, 2010
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We always say it is a zoo around her.