Tuesday, January 11, 2011

~Science Fair fun~~

Oh the joys of being a mom
After a few weeks of work and lots of help from Papa. Miles had his 1st ever science fair on Monday the 10th.
There was a little confusion as to the date. Mom thought the fair was not until the 14th but to my suprise it was on Monday the 10th. After running around town crazy trying to get the stuff he needed to finish up his board. We finished it. It may not look as fancy as a mom would have wanted it to look.
But all the facts were they and that is what counts the most. I am pleased to say that Miles took 1st place in Chemistry. Beating out 7th and 8th graders. I am so happy for him. he has worked so hard. Next year we will be ready to bring the house down.


The Archibalds said...

Way to go Miles, that's awesome. Melissa you are such a good, busy mom :)

Grandma Hungerford said...

I am so proud of you Mile's. It was so much fun to watch you and papa working together. Keep up the great work.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray