Friday, January 29, 2010

Cakes, got to love cakes

What goes better together than boys and cakes?
Miles, is one of our most creative kids. Like we say he is the architect of the family. He love to design and build so when he found out that the scout cake auction was coming up he was very excited. He wanted it to be grand. Like a mini wedding cake. So with the help of a good friend (Tara) Miles was able to make the cake he wanted to. This year they are celebrating 100 years of scouting in America. This was the theme for the cake auction. I must say I think Miles had the top notch cake there. It took lots of timing and planning. But was well worth it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

$200 Giveaway!

$200 Giveaway! Go to this web site to register to win some adorable girl hair stuff.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ribbons and bows or Cars and Toads.

After waiting and waiting today we found out that we will be adding a little girl to our Family All are happy and excited. It will be nice for Madison to have a sister. She was very against having a baby brother. Little Miley looks healthy big and very active

Sunday, January 10, 2010

From the mouth of kids. . . Babies

Babies: What are they were do they come from?
With everyday brings new questions about babies. This week we had some wonderful thoughts from the mouth of our dear kids. On Wednesday this week Madison was watching Nick jr. Why I was doing laundry. She was watching Little Bill and Ms. Murry was getting married. After the teacher got married Madison turned to me and stated: Mom now she has a baby in her belly right. Some reason our kids tend to believe that once you are married you automatically have a baby in your belly. At prayer last night Mason turned to me and pointed to were my belly button area and asked when was the Dr. Going to open it up and take the baby out. I told him that is not how babies come out. That mommy will have a little pain and then push the baby out. He then asked if he could help me push the baby out like this and started pushing on my leg. I told him that mom will be in the hospital and that he can help with the baby when S/he gets home from the hospital. He then told me to be careful not to push the baby out when I go to the potty. How cute. I just love how their little minds work. After all this talk I asked each of our wonderful kids if they could choose if mommy was to have a boy or girl what would they choose and why? Miles: A girl, we have enough boys in our house. Marcus: You are going to have a boy and then another boy and another and another. Until you have a football team. We will be the Dallas Cowboys Moffat's. Why? Because boys are cool . Mason: What do you want mommy to have? A baby boy. Why? because he would love me. What about a sister? She would love me even more. So what should mommy have? a baby sister. Then he bounces around saying I love her and she loves me. I want a baby sister to love me more. This is how he has been the whole time. Madison: What do you think mommy is having. A baby sister. How do you know? I have known for ever. mommy is going to have a girl because we have 1,2,3,4 boys and only 1, 2 girls we need more girls. I just had to share the fun from the mouths of our little ones. Boy or girl. Red or blonde hair. We all are getting excited for our little one to join our family.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cookies & Swimming lessons

Today all the boys went back to school. Mom was kinda sad to see them go, as it meant no more sleeping for mom. Plus I really don't like the crazy out the door rush in the morning. With the brothers gone, Madison was a little sad to see them go so we decided to make cookies for them and daddy.
She is being coming quite the cook. She loves to help from dumping sugar to cracking eggs.
All in all we had a fun hour of backing and Madison even remembered to help clean up in the end.
Just a little note to self, do not bend down to pick something up off the floor when your Madison is sweeping Brown sugar of the counter. Mom ended up with it in her hair and down her shirt. We had a fun time and can't wait to cook together again some time soon.
Finally after waiting until Madison was old enough, all 4 of the Moffat Kids began their 3-4 month journey in Swimming lessons. Our goal is by the end of April to have all 4 kids swimming, and safe around the pools. For Mason and Madison I would love them to feel safe in a pool as right now they don't like to go out into the deeper water with out a death grip on mom or dad.
After about 5 minutes to my surprise Madison was the one to come running to mom and tell me she was done. She did go back in and have some fun. No she would not go out into the middle of the pool with her teacher on the bar, but there is always next time. To my surprise Mason was all about doing what ever they told him to do. He even refused to get out when class time was done. Mason and Madison are in the preschool class and Miles and Marcus are in level 2.
After a few minutes of stretching they are ready for some fun.
Having fun racing back to the wall.
How many rings can you find. Marcus made me laugh with this one as he found the rings and like a smart kid, he decided to use his feet to pick them up instead of dive down to pick them up. To his dismay they finally told them they had to dive down. He still did great. For the next few months on Monday and Wednesday night you are sure to find us hanging out at the pool. Just maybe we will have some super swimmers in the end.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


On the 9th day of Christmas Break my family gave to me. Time to celebrate Daddy's 35th birthday, it was really on the 27th but with us traveling he was willing to wait until the 28th. All he wanted was a cake coated in sprinkles.
He also became very well stocked in the tool department and in the chocolate department.
On the 10th day of Christmas Break my family gave to me, Time to play with wheels and friends.
We ran to the church to organize some stuff for mommy for the New Year and have some fun with some new toys.
"What a shot"
Our good friends that now live in Utah were in town so we were able to play with them and do dinner afterward.
On the 11th day of Christmas break my family gave to me, 2 new DS, what a surprise, and time with our friends.
On the 12th day of Christmas Break my family gave to me, a Moffat family New Years Eve Party fit for kids of all ages. Yeah ha, it is 2010.
This year we have had some fun celebrating the New Year.
Bye, Bye 09 hellow 2010.
Ready to party.
This year we had a rocking Moffat P.J. Party with Games, food and of course the D.S.
On the 13th day of Christmas Break my family gave to me. Happy New Years with a movie and dinner at Nana and Papa's house. One of our Christmas Break Traditions is to take the kids to the movies. This year Nana and Papa Hungerford Joined us for a New Years Day Mattinee of Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakquel. It was a cute movie, Mom and dad are still in shock at how much the movie tickets have went up in a year. We don't get out much.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray