Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mom's Crazy Week!

This week has been one of those weeks that all moms have. When you have more things to do than you have time. Thus we have went a whole week with out a little blog. I love my calling in church. I am over Enrichment. We have a lot going on and it all came be this week. I am planning a Super Saturday/ Birthday Party for March Enrichment. So on Sunday all the sisters needed to have there orders into me. Well, we all have a life. With babies being born and people out of town, I had sisters coming over for the first part of the week placing there orders. Then I had to combine all their order sheets into one grand order and place the bulk of the order threw a company that is going to be a life saver. is a company based in Utah and they have great crafts. They gave us a discount so 4 of our 7 crafts is coming from this companies . I had to place the order on time so that they could cut the wood and vinyl for all the projects. Plus February was the debut of all of our "mini focus groups", thus I feel like I need to be there to see them start. I have great hope that more sisters will come in the next month. I have enjoyed attending them. I have even lost some weight with the M-W-F exercise group. With the daily things that the kids do, Scouts 3 different schools, and doctors appointments, this week has been filled. So I told the kids Friday to prepare for a all day cleaning house day on Saturday. Mom desperately needs to mop the floors and fold the mountain of laundry. So with the kids help this morning, they helped me empty the kitchen into the living room so that when Madison is down for a nap and Mason has quite time I can mop. I figure then I can fold the mountain of laundry on to the kitchen table that is next to the mountain now. So while I was on the computer this morning making new sticker charts, calenders for March for church and home, the kids decided to be adorable kids and start coloring in there new cave. I love it when they can play so nicely together. It helps mom get more stuff done. So I had to share it with you all instead of cleaning. I better get going if I am going to get all done that I want to get done today.
As you can tell my there clothing, it is a free fall day as we are not planning on leaving the house. So they get to dress in what ever suits them, and mom does not do their hair. It is a day off in their books from looking good and being tortured in the hair department. With any luck this Super Saturday will go off without to many glitches . We even have a few sisters from other wards coming because they want to do the crafts. But it is not only crafts, we have mini classes and a service project going on. AHHHHH we will have to see it I can pull it all off.

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Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray