Thursday, October 30, 2008

We are trying to get back into the blog world.

You all will have to bear with us as we are trying to get back into blogging and up loading new pictures of the kids on our computer. As you can see we have not been successful with it yet. It might be a cry for help. Hopefully in the coming weeks we can get it going and up dated regularly.


Laura and crew said...

Welcome back to blogging! I can't believe how big Madison is! I still picture her as the little girl from the Dora photo shoot. You'll have to post some more cute pics and keep us updated!

-Laura & Chad

Unknown said...

I think that having a blog is great for us grandparents. Yet don't hold your breath waiting for us to get one. We still find it difficult to get a DVD to work with our surround sound and all the many wires and remotes. So keep up the great job and don't forget about us when we are lost in this world of change and tech savvy inventions.

Monkey Business

Monkey Business
We always say it is a zoo around her.

Gota love Rachael Ray